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Our Application Process

STEP 1 Please visit our school campus.

STEP 2  Apply
The following items are required to complete the application file: 

  • ï‚· Non-refundable Application Fee of $50  (Paid online as the last step when applying)  

  •  Records and Documents These items are requested digitally from the current school through the application or they can be submitted to


  1. A copy of the most recent end-of-year report card and current report card

  2. A copy of the most recent standardized test results (such as SAT, OLSAT, FCAT, CTBS, ITBS, etc.)

  3. Individual Education Plan, 504 Plan, Psychological Evaluation detailing academic accommodations, if any

  4. School Referral Form

  5. Pastor/Youth Leader Referral Form (5-8 grades only)


The applicant is responsible for ensuring that all materials are received.  The Admissions Coordinator will contact the family when a decision is obtained from the Admissions Committee. Accepted applicants will receive written notification and other pertinent acceptance information.
STEP 3 Testing and Shadow Day

All applicants require testing and a shadow day.  The Admissions Office will contact you to schedule. A fee of $40 is due at the time of the testing.
STEP 4 Decisions and Enrollment  
Admission to SPCS is determined by a comprehensive evaluation of each applicant's
academic, spiritual, and behavioral reports. The Admissions Committee will review the
following factors when deciding on acceptance or non-acceptance:

  • ï‚· Embracing the Christian Philosophy of Education

  • ï‚· Academic Achievement

  •  Student Conduct Reports, including the number of detentions or suspensions

  •  Financial Obligations: Current standing with financial obligations to the school the applicant currently attends

  •  School Attendance: Including tardies

  • ï‚· Support and Cooperation of Parents

  •  Student attitude and conduct on Shadow Day


Once all necessary documentation is submitted and the applicant's file is complete, the Admissions Committee will review the application. Admissions decisions are communicated via email.

All decisions are final and made without further comment. If accepted, families must complete the Online Enrollment process and pay the first non-refundable deposit to secure the student's spot.

to complete our Online Application

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